Dennise Harris
M.Ed. B.A. Dip Ed.(Syd)
Dennise Harris Business Writing has been delivering quality, purpose built writing courses to the public sector for 10 years.
Dennise has designed and delivered many writing courses for commonwealth, state and local government, universities and the private sector.
She has had experience at executive level in a variety of contexts. She lectured in English and Linguistics at Macquarie University and in Teacher Education at the same institution.
She was Professional Assistant to two Directors-General. She wrote speeches and also the material for a regular column for the organisation’s newsletter.
She has delivered quality training for:
- Aboriginal Housing Authority
- Attorney General’s Department
- Ashfield Council
- Australia Post
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian Securities and Investment Commission
- Building Professionals Board
- Deakin University
- Department of Aboriginal Affairs
- Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care
- Department of Arts, Sport and Recreation
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Education and Training
- Department of Environment and Climate Change
- Department of Family and Community Services
- Department of Health
- Department of Housing
- Department of Lands
- Department of Primary Industries
- Hunter Institute
- Law Reform Commission
- Manly Council
- Ministry of Transport
- New England Institute
- NSW Institute of Sport
- NSW Legal Aid Commission
- NSW Ombudsman
- Premiers Department
- Public Trustee
- RailCorp
- State Library of NSW
- State Property Authority
- Sydney Catchment Authority
- Sydney Water
- The University of Western Sydney
- Warringah Council
- WorkCover